Latin (A to C) based on hard copy compiled by the Chinese Translation Service |
January 4, 2001Electronic file created by Yaw-Tsong Lee & Chin-Wen Yao |
A bove majori discit arare minor |
From the older ox the younger learns to plow; as the old cock crows, the young one learns |
老牛耕,小牛学;老公鸡怎么叫,小公鸡怎么学;子学父样 |
A capite ad calcem |
From head to heel; completely |
从头到脚;彻头彻尾地 |
A cruce salus |
Salvation by the cross
十字架拯救世人;靠十字架得救 |
A cuspide corona |
From the spear a crown |
靠刀枪得天下 |
A dato |
From the date |
从该日起 |
A die confectionis |
From the day of the making |
从缔约之日起 |
A fortiori |
With stronger reason; more conclusively |
更不必说,何况 |
A maximis ad minima |
From the greatest to the least |
从大到小 |
A mensa et toro (or thoro) |
From bed and board; legal separation |
(夫妻的)分居 |
A minori ad majus |
From the less to the greater |
从小到大(推理) |
A posse ad esse |
From possibility to reality |
从可能变为事实;从计划到实现 |
A posteriori |
From the latter; from effect to cause; inductive; empirical |
自果溯因的;归纳的;凭经验的;体验出来的 |
A primo ad ultimum |
From first to last |
自始至终 |
A principio |
From the beginning |
自始 |
A priori |
From the former; from cause to effect; deductive; presumptive |
自因溯果的;演绎的;武断的;无理的 |
A quo |
From which Court a quo |
开始;起 原审法院 |
A retro |
Behind; in arrear |
拖欠 |
A verbis ad verbera |
From words to blows |
言语不合,打将起来;先动口,后动手 |
A vinculo matrimonii |
From the bonds of marriage; a divorce |
解除婚姻;离婚 |
Ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia |
A conclusion as to the use of a thing from its abuse is invalid |
不正当用途不能当作正当用途 |
Ab antiquo |
From antiquity |
自古 |
Ab asino lanam |
Wool from an ass; blood from a stone |
从驴子身上拔羊毛; (喻)冷酷的人的同情 |
Ab extra |
From outside |
从外部;外来 |
Ab extrinseco |
From the outside |
从外部;外来;外在 |
Ab hoc et hac et ab illa |
From this man and this woman; from here,there and everywhere; confusedly |
这个那个,说个不清 |
Ab hodierno |
From today |
从今日起 |
Ab imo pectore |
From the bottom of the heart |
出自内心;出于肺腑 |
Ab inconvenienti |
From inconvenience; designating an argument designed to show that the opposite construction is untenable because of the inconvenience or hardship it would create |
反证;反证法(证明反面理由不能成立) |
Ab incunabulis |
From the cradle; from infancy |
从襁褓中;自幼 |
Ab initio |
From beginning |
从开头;自始 |
Ab intestato |
From or by a person dying without a valid will |
无遗嘱的(遗产) |
Ab intra |
From within |
从内部;自内 |
Ab invito |
By an unwilling person; unwillingly |
非出于自愿;不情愿地 |
Ab irato |
From an angry man; in a fit of anger |
出于一时气忿;在愤怒之下 |
Ab limine |
From the outset |
从开始;自始 |
Ab origine |
From the origin |
从起源;从头;自始 |
Ab ovo |
From the egg; from the beginning |
从开始;自始 |
Ab ovo usque ad mala |
From the egg to the apples; from beginning to end |
自始至终 |
Ab uno disce omnes |
From one learn all |
由一斑而窥全豹;举一反三 |
Ab urbe condita |
From the founding of the city (i.e. Rome) |
罗马城建立后(罗马城大约在公元前七五三年建立) |
Abeunt studia in mores |
Studies change into habits; pursuits assiduously followed become habits |
习与性成;习惯成自然 |
Abiit ad majores (plures) |
He has gone to his ancestors (the majority); he is dead |
他去世了 |
Abnormis sapiens |
A philosopher of no particular school; a natural-born philosopher |
无师自通的哲学家;天生的哲学家 |
Abscissio infiniti |
The cutting off of the infinite (or negative part); the systematic comparison and rejection of hypotheses until the true conclusion is reached |
(逻辑)排他法 |
Absens haeres non erit |
The man who is absent will not be an heir |
不在场者不得为继承人 |
Absens reo (abs. re.) |
The defendant being absent |
被告不在;被告未到庭 |
Absit invidia |
Let there be no ill will; take it not amiss |
请不要介意;请勿见怪 |
Absoluta sententia expositiore non indiget |
An absolute sentence needs no expositor |
文字意义简明者无需加解释 |
Absque ulla conditione |
Without any condition |
无条件的(地) |
Absurdum quippe est ut alios regat qui seipsum regere nescit |
It is certainly absurd that a man who cannot rule himself should rule others |
不能管理自己,岂能管理别人;不能治己,焉能治人 |
Abundans cautela non nocet |
Extreme care does no mischief |
尽量小心,总不会错 |
Abusus non tollit usum |
Abuse does not take away use |
不正当用途不能取代正当用途 |
Abyssus abyssum invocat |
One chasm leads to another; one mistake leads to another |
一错再错;一误再误 |
Ac etiam |
And also |
以及 |
Accedas ad curiam |
That you go to court; you may appeal the case |
准许上诉(令) |
Accessio |
An increase or addition |
添附 |
Accessio cedit principali |
The accessory follows the principal |
从物归属主物;从物属于主物的所有人 |
Accessio possessionis |
Increase or addition of possessions |
财产的添附;财产的增加 |
Accessoriales |
Accessories |
从物 |
Accessorius sequitur naturam sui principalis |
An accessory follows the nature of his principal; one who is accessory to a crime cannot be guilty of a higher degree of crime than his principal |
从犯的罪不能比主犯重 |
Accusare nemo se debet |
No one is obliged to incriminate himself |
谁都不须控告自己 |
Acervatim |
In heaps; briefly |
简略地 |
Acheruntis pabulum |
Food for Acheron; marked for death |
注定要死的人;垂死的人 |
Acta est fabula |
The play is over |
戏演完了;剧已终了 |
Acta jure gestionis |
Administrative acts |
行政法规 |
Actio |
Action; suit; right of action |
诉讼;诉权 |
Actio conducti (or conducti actio) |
An action taken by the hirer of a thing against the letter |
承租人的控诉 |
Actio injurarium |
Action for injury |
对人格人体侵害的控诉 |
Actio personalis moritu cum persona |
A personal action dies with the person. A maxim meaning that rights of action arising out of torts are destroyed by the death of the person injured or injuring. |
人死罪不究;人死不起诉 |
Actio popularis |
Common action; action of the people |
共同行动 |
Actio pro socio |
Action of partnership (brought by one partner against his associate) |
合伙人的控诉 |
actor sequitur forum rei |
a plaintiff follows the court of the defendant |
原告应向被告的管辖法院提出控告 |
Actore non probante reus absolvitur |
When the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is acquitted |
原告不能证实案情,即应宣告被告无罪 |
Actori incumbit onus probandi |
The burden of proof lies on the plaintiiff |
举证责任在于原告 |
Actori incumjbit probatio (or actori incumbit onus probandi) |
The burden of proof rests on the plantiff |
原告负举证责任 |
Actum dei nemini facit injuriam |
An act of God does wrong to no man; an individual cannot be held responsible for an act of God |
自然灾害不得归咎于人 |
Actum ne agas |
Don’t do what has already been done |
做过 的事不要再做;不要重复 |
Actus curiae (or legis) nemini facit injuriam |
The act of the court does wrong to no one |
法院的行为不得损害任何一方 |
Actus curiae neminem gravabit |
An act of the court shall prejudice no one |
法院的行为不得损害任何一方 |
Actus dei nemini facit injuriam |
The act of god is prejudicial to no one; the law holds no man responsible for the act of God |
自然灾害不是人的过错 |
Actus injura |
An act of injury |
侵权行为;不当行动 |
Actus me invito factus, non est meus actus |
An act I perform unwillingly is not my act |
非出于自愿的行为,不是本人行为 |
Actus non facit reum nisi mens est rea |
The act does not make a criminal unless the intention is criminal |
非有意犯法的行为,不算犯法;无心之过不算犯罪 |
Actus reus |
Wrongful act |
不法行为;不正当的行为 |
Ad calendas Graecas |
On the Greek Calends; never |
决不会,永远不会,永远没有那么一天 |
Ad absurdum |
To the absurd |
反证 |
Ad amussim |
According to a rule; accurately; exactly |
准确地;精确地 |
Ad aperturam libri |
At the opening of the book; wherever the book opens |
开卷第一章;书本打开的地方;开宗明义 |
Ad arbitrium |
At will |
任意 |
Ad astra per aspera |
To the stars through hardships |
刻苦成功;吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 |
Ad augusta per angusta |
To success through adversity |
苦尽甘来;刻苦成功 |
Ad baculum |
(an appeal) to the rod |
威迫的(言论) |
Ad captandum vulgus |
To please the crowd |
讨好群众的(言论) |
Ad cautelam |
For caution’s sake |
为谨慎起见 |
Ad crumenam |
(an appeal) to the purse or to one’s personal interests |
利诱的(话) |
Ad eundem |
To the same (degree) |
以同等程度 |
Ad extra |
In an outward direction |
向外 |
Ad extremum |
To the extreme; to the last |
极端;毕竟;到最后 |
Ad filum aquae |
To the thread (or center) of the stream |
以河流中线为界 |
Ad filum viae |
To the center of the road |
以道路中线为界 |
Ad finem |
To the end; at the end; finally |
到最后;至终 |
Ad gustum |
To one’s taste |
合口味 |
Ad hanc vocem (a.h.v.) |
At this word |
见此条(字典中参阅注) |
Ad hoc |
For this |
专门;特设;专案 |
Ad hominem An argumemt ad hominem |
To the man
对人而不对事的;偏私的 偏私的议论 |
Ad hunc locum (a.h.l.) |
At this place |
在此处 |
Ad idem |
To the same (point); at one |
意见一致;协议 |
Ad ignorantiam |
(an appeal) to one’s ignorance |
迎合无知听众的(言论);强词夺理的 |
Ad impossibile nemo tenetur |
No one is held to the impossible |
不能强人所难 |
Ad infinitum |
To infinity; endlessly |
永远;无穷;无限 |
Ad initium |
At the beginning |
在开端 |
Ad instantiam partis |
At the instance of a party |
经一方要求 |
Ad instar |
In the likeness of; resembling |
仿效。。。。;类似。。。。 |
Ad interim |
In the meantime; temporary |
临时;暂行 |
Ad invitiam |
To envy (or prejudice) |
偏私的;恶意的(辩论) |
Ad judicium |
To common sense (said of an argument); to court |
合情合理的(辩论);出庭 |
Ad libitum |
At will; as one wishes |
随意;照自己的兴趣;无限制 |
Ad litem |
For the suit |
在诉讼上;专案(法官) |
Ad litteram |
To the letter to translate ad litteram |
逐字;照原文 直译 |
Ad majorem Dei gloriam (A.M.D.G.) |
To the greater glory of God: motto of the Society of Jesus |
为上帝增光(耶稣会格言) |
Ad manum |
At hand; ready for use |
在手边 |
Ad misericordiam |
To pity (said of an argument) |
引入同情的(言论) |
Ad modum |
In the manner of; like |
仿照;像 |
Ad multos annos |
For many years |
多年以来 |
Ad nauseam |
To nausea; to the point of disgust |
令人厌恶;讨厌 |
Ad patres |
Gathered to his fathers; dead |
死亡 |
Ad paucos dies |
For a few days |
几天 |
Ad populum |
To the people; to the passions and prejudices of the people |
讨好群众的(言论) |
Ad questiones facti non respondent judices; ad questiones legis non respondent juratores |
In trial by jury, the judges do not decide questions of fact, nor the jury questions of law |
(在陪审制度下)法官无权决定案情问题,陪审员无权决定法律问题 |
Ad quod damnum |
To what damage |
可能损害调查令 |
Ad referendum |
For reference; for further consideration; subject to approval |
尚待核准;需进一步考虑 |
Ad rem |
To the matter in hand; to the point |
对物;中肯;得其要领 |
Ad sectam (ads.) |
At the suit of |
被。。控告 〔例〕B ads A: 被告是B,原告是A |
Ad summam |
In a word; in short |
简言之;简单来说 |
Ad summum |
To the highest point; to the utmost |
最高限度 |
Ad unguem |
To a finger nail; to a nicety; accurately |
精密;完美 |
Ad unum omnes |
All to one; to the last man |
全体;一致 |
Ad usum |
According to custom |
依照惯例 |
Ad utrumque paratus |
Prepared for either eventuality |
以防万一 |
Ad valorem |
According to the value |
从价;按值;照价 |
Ad valorem duty |
Ad valorem duty |
从价税 |
Ad verbum |
To a word; word for word |
逐字 |
Ad vitam aut culpam |
For life or until misbehavior |
只要不犯错误,即可终身任职 |
Ad vivum |
To the life; lifelike |
栩栩如生;逼真 |
Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit |
Add little to little and there will be a great heap |
积少成多;集腋成裘 |
Addendum |
Addition |
增编 |
Adeo in teneris consuescere multum est |
So imperative it is to form habits in early years; as the twig is bent, the tree’s inclined |
习惯必须从幼年养成 |
Adhibenda est in jocando moderatio |
Moderation is to be applied in jests; one should employ restraint in his jests |
开玩笑不可过分;谑而不虐 |
Adhuc sub judice lis est |
The case is still before the judge |
案件未了;问题尚未解决 |
Adiratus |
Strayed; lost; a price set upon a thing stolen or lost, as a recompense |
遗失;失物赔偿金 |
Adjuvante Deo labor proficit |
With God’s help, work prospers |
得上帝的帮助,工作顺利进行 |
Adrogatio |
Adoption of a minor |
收养(儿童) |
Adscriptus glebae |
(a person) bound to the soil; a serf |
农奴 |
Adversa virtute repello |
I repel adversity by valor (or courage) |
我鼓足勇气,排除万难 |
Adversos etenim frangi non esse virorum |
Real men are not vanquished by adversity |
大丈夫不屈不挠 |
Advocatus diaboli |
Devil’s advocate |
“魔鬼的辩护士” (指摘圣列候补的人);诽谤者;强辩的人;吹毛求疵的人 |
Aedificatum solo, solo cedit |
That which is built upon the land becomes part of the land |
土地上的建筑物是土地的一部分 |
Aegrescit medendo |
He grows worse with the treatment |
病情越医越坏;越弄越糟 |
Aegri somnia vana |
A sick man’s idle dreams |
痴人说梦;痴心妄想 |
Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem |
Remember to keep calm in time of trouble |
危难时记得保持冷静 |
Aequitas est quasi aequalitas |
Equity is, as it were, equality |
顾名思义,公平即是平等 |
Aequitas factum habet quod fieri opportuit |
Equity considers that to have been done which ought to have been |
应该作的已经作了,便是公平 |
Aequitas non facit jus, sed juri auxiliatur |
Equity does not make law, but assists law |
公平并非法律,而是弥补法律 |
Aequitas sequitur legem |
Equity follows the law (i.e.; follows common-law principles, except where injustice and fraud would ensue) |
法律第一,公平第二 |
Aequo animo |
With a calm mind |
平心静气;泰然处之 |
Aequo pulsat pede |
(pale death)knocks with equal foot |
无贵贱之分 |
Aequum et bonum est lex legum |
What is equitable and good is the law of laws |
公平和善良是法律的法律(法律的基本原则) |
Aere perennius |
More lasting than brass |
永垂不朽 |
Aes alienum |
Money belonging to another; debt |
债款;债务 |
Aes triplex |
Triple brass; strong defense; great courage |
铁般的意志;不移的决心 |
Aeternum servans sub pectore vulnus |
Nursing an everlasting wound within the breast |
永远怀恨在心;心有宿怨 |
Aeternum vale |
Farewell forever |
永别;永诀 |
Affectus punitur licet non sequatur effectus |
The intention is punished, although the consequence does not follow; a man may be punished for an attempt to commit a crime |
意图犯法,虽未犯法,也应惩罚 |
Affines |
Connections by marriage |
姻亲 |
Affirmanti non neganti incumbit probatio |
The burden of proof lies upon him who affirms, not upon him who denies |
举证责任在于控诉的人,不在辩护的人 |
Affirmatim |
In the affirmative |
肯定 |
Age quod agis |
Do what you are doing; attend to the work you have at hand |
专心工作;做事留心;审慎将事 |
Agentes et consentientes pari poena plectentur |
Acting and consenting parties are liable to the same punishment |
行为者与同意者应受同等惩罚 |
Agenti incumbit probation |
The burden of proof rests on the accuser |
举证责任在于原告 |
Ager pusblicus |
Public domain |
公共土地;公地 |
Agnatio |
Relationship on the father’s side |
父系血亲;宗族 |
Agnus Dei |
Lamb of God |
上帝的羔羊(指耶稣) |
Albo lapillo nostare diem |
To mark the day with a white stone; to mark as a lucky day |
当作快乐的日子;择为吉日 |
Alea jacta est |
The die is cast |
事情已经决定;吾意已决 |
Alere flamman |
To feed the flame |
火上加油 |
Alia tendanda via est |
Another way must be tried |
必须另寻途径;必须另外设法 |
Alibi |
Elsewhere; in another place; an excuse |
不在现场(证据);借口;托辞 |
Aliena vitia in oculis habemus; a tergo nostra sunt |
Another’s faults are before our eyes; our own are behind us |
只看见别人的缺点,看不见自己的缺点;察人明,察己暗 |
Alienatio rei praefertur juri accrescendi |
Alienation is favored by the law rather than accumulation |
法律奖励物品的让与,重于物品的储存 |
Alieni appetens, sui profusus |
Covetous of another’s possessions, lavish of his own |
觊觎他人财产,浪费己物 |
Alieni juris |
Under another’s authority; not possessing full legal power |
受监护人 |
Alieno solo |
In the land of another; on others’ land |
在别人土地上 |
Alio intuitu |
From another point of view |
从另一观点(角度)来看 |
Aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus |
Sometimes even the good Homer nods; the greatest are sometimes caught napping |
智者千虑必有一失;虽圣贤也不免有错 |
Aliquis in omnibus, nullus in singulis |
A somebody in general, a nobody in particular; Jack of all trades, but master of none |
样样能,无样精;杂而不精的人;三脚猫 |
Aliter |
Otherwise |
另外;另有(规定或决定) |
Alitur vitium vivitque tegendo |
Vice is nourished and lives by secrecy |
隐恶就是纵恶 |
Aliud corde premunt, aliud ore promunt |
They hide one thing in their hearts, but another comes from their mouths |
他们心里想的是一件事,嘴里说的又是一件事;他们心口不一 |
Allegans contraria non audiendus est |
A person making contradictory allegations is not to be listened to |
言语矛盾的人,不可听信 |
Allegari non debuit quod probatum non relevat |
That which, if proved, would not be relevant ought not to be alleged |
无关证据,不应提出 |
Allegata et probata |
Things alleged and proved |
供词与证据 |
Alma mater |
Foster mother |
母校 |
Alter ego |
Another self; bosom friend |
心腹;知己 |
Alter idem |
Another exactly similar |
酷似 |
Alter ipse amicus |
A friend is a second self |
朋友就象自己;待友如己 |
Alteri sic tibi |
Do to another as to thyself |
推己及人;己所不欲,勿施于人 |
Alteri stipulari nemo potest |
No one can make an agreement for others |
不论何人均不得替别人订约 |
Alterum alterius auxilio eget |
One thing needs the help of another |
两者相辅相成 |
Alterum tantum |
As much again; twice as much |
两倍;加倍 |
Alto et basso |
High and low |
大小(事情,争端) |
Amantes amentes |
Lovers are lunatics |
因爱成狂;情近乎痴 |
Amantium irae amoris integratio est |
Lovers’ quarrel is the renewal of love |
情人吵架,吵过就好 |
Amari aliquid |
Something bitter; a touch of bitterness |
略带苦味 |
Ambigendi locus |
Room for doubt |
尚有疑问;存疑 |
Ambiguitas verborum patens nulla verificatione excluditur |
A patent ambiguity cannot be cleared up by extrinsic evidence |
显然不明确之处,不可以举出外在证据来阐明 |
Amibuitas verborum latens verificatione suppletur, nam quod ex facto oritus ambigum verificatione factitollitur |
A latent ambiguity in the language may be removed by evidence; for any ambiguity arising from an extrinsic fact may be explained by extrinsic evidence |
文字之中隐含不明确之处,可以举出证据来阐明;因为外在事实引起的不明确处,可以举出外在证据来说明 |
Amici probantur rebus adversis |
Friends are proved by adversity |
患难之交才是真知 |
Amicitia sine fraude |
Friendship without fraud |
真诚友谊 |
Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur |
A sincere friend is discovered in an uncertain issue; a friend in need is a friend indeed |
患难见真知 |
Amicus curiae |
A friend of the court; a person appointed by a judge to assist by giving advice in the handling of a legal case |
法官的顾问 |
Amicus est tanquam alter idem |
A friend is, as it were, a second self |
朋友就象自己;待友如己 |
Amicus humani generis |
A friend of the human race |
人类之友 |
Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas |
Plato is dear to me, but truth is dearer still |
我爱柏拉图,但我更爱真理 |
Amicus usque ad aras |
A friend as far as the altars (i.e., in everything but what is contrary to one’s religion); a friend to the last degree |
言听计从的朋友;心腹之交 |
Amissum quod nescitur non amittitur |
The loss that is unknown is no loss at all |
不知道的损失,根本不算损失 |
Amittere curiam |
To lose the court; to be deprived of the privilege of attending the court |
丧失出庭权利 |
Amo ut invenio |
I love as I find (or light upon) |
见一个,爱一个;到处留情 |
Amor gignit amorem |
Love begets love |
由爱生爱;爱人者,人亦爱之 |
Amor habendi |
Love of possessing |
占有欲 |
Amor magnus doctor est |
Love is a great teacher |
爱能诲人 |
Amor nummi |
Love of money |
贪财 |
Amor patriae |
Love of one’s country; patriotism |
爱国心 |
Amor proximi |
Love of one’s neighbor |
睦邻 |
Amor sceleratus habendi |
Accursed love of possessing |
万恶的占有欲 |
Amoto quaeramus seria ludo |
Setting raillery aside, let us now give attention to serious matters |
闲话休说,言归正传 |
An honores |
To one’s honor; honorary |
名誉的;义务的 |
Ancilla theologiae |
The handmaid of theology; philosophy |
神学的陪衬物(指哲学) |
Anguillam cauda tenes |
You hold an eel by the tail |
骑虎难下;吃力不讨好 |
Anguis in herba |
A snake in the grass; an unsuspected danger; a disloyal friend |
潜伏的敌人;隐藏的危险;内奸 |
Aniles fabellae |
Old wives’ tales |
荒唐故事,无稽之谈 |
Animal bipes implume |
A two-legged animal without feathers (Plato’s definition of man) |
没有羽毛的两腿动物(柏拉图替人类下的定义) |
Animo et facto |
In intention and fact |
在意图上和事实上 |
Animo et fide |
With courage and faith |
以勇气和信心 |
Animo non astutia |
By courage, not by craft |
凭勇气,不靠诡计;恃勇不恃谋 |
Animus |
Mind |
心智;意图 |
Animus cancellandi |
Intention of canceling |
取消的意图;解除的意图 |
Animus capiendi |
The intention of taking or capture |
取得的意图 |
Animus derelinquendi |
Intention of abandoning |
抛弃的意图 |
Animus domini |
Intention to be the owner |
所有的意图 |
Animus furanid |
The intention to steal |
盗窃之心;意图盗窃 |
Animus injuriandi |
Intention of injuring |
伤害的意图;意图伤害 |
Animus lucrandi |
Intention of making a profit |
图利之心 |
Animus manendi (or remanendi) |
The intention of remaining |
居留的意图 |
Animus meminisse horret |
My soul shudders at the recolleciton |
回想起来,感觉恐怖;思之犹栗 |
Animus non deficit aequus |
A well-balanced mind is not wanting; equanimity does not fail us |
心神镇定,不会出差错 |
Animus possidenti |
The intent of possessing |
占有的意图;意图占有 |
Animus recipiendi |
The intention of receiving |
接受的意图;有意接受 |
Animus revertendi |
Intention of returning (for something left behind) |
回归的意图;取回的意图 |
Animus revocandi |
Intention of revoking |
废除的意图;意图废除 |
Animus tenedi |
Intention to hold |
持有的意图 |
Animus testandi |
Intention of making a will |
立遗嘱的意图 |
Anno aetatis suae |
In the year of his age |
享寿(写在死者年龄后面) |
Anno ante Christum |
In the year before Christ |
公元前 |
Anno domini |
In the year of our Lord |
公元 |
Annuit coeptis |
He (God) has smiled on our undertakings (motto on the Great Seal of the United States) |
神佑我邦 |
Annus luctus |
Year of mourning |
一年丧期 |
Ante barbam doces senes |
You teach old men before your beard has come |
少年而为老年的楷模;少年老成 |
Ante bellum |
Before the war |
战前 |
Ante Christum (A.C.) |
Before Christ |
公元前 |
Ante cibum |
Before meals |
饭前 |
Ante diem |
Before the appointed day |
在限期以前;到期以前 |
Ante factum |
Before the fact; done before; a previous act |
事前(行为) |
Ante litem notam |
Before litigation has commenced |
在诉讼开始以前 |
Ante lucem |
Before daybreak |
天亮以前;拂晓 |
Ante meridiem (a.m. or a.m.) |
Before noon |
上午;午前 |
Ante mortem |
Before death |
死前 |
Ante omnia |
Before all things |
高于一切 |
Ante tubam trepidat |
He trembles before the trumpet (battle) |
临阵战栗 |
Ante victoriam ne canas triumphum |
Do not sing your triumph before the victory |
胜负未决,先别得意;不要过早乐观 |
Anti manifesto |
A term used in international law to denote a proclamation or manifesto published by one of two belligerent powers, alleging reasons why the war is defensive on its part |
(交战国的)自卫宣言 |
Aperto vivere voto |
To live with unconcealed desire |
随心所欲的生活;纵情生活 |
Apex juris |
The summit of the law; a legal subtlety; close technicality |
法律微妙之点 |
Apologia pro vita sua |
A defense of his life |
自辩书 |
Apparatus belli |
Material of war |
战争物资;军需品 |
Apparatus criticus |
Reference books, texts, etc. for use in literary works; critical apparatus |
(书中的)研究材料 |
Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto |
Here and there, men are seen swimming in the vast abyss |
〔喻〕(文学作品)言之无物 |
Appetitus rationi pareat |
Let your desires be governed by reason |
应以理智克制欲望 |
Aqua cedit solo |
Water goes with the soil; the ownership of water goes with that of the soil beneath |
土地上的水属于土地 |
Aqua currit et debet currere |
Water flows and ought to flow; there is no property in running water, only a right to use it |
流水无主权,只有使用权 |
Aquila non capit muscas |
An eagle does not catch flies |
老鹰不捉苍蝇;强不凌弱;杀鸡不用牛刀 |
Arbiter bibendi |
The judge of the drinking; toastmaster |
宴会主持人 |
Arbiter elegantiae (or elegantiarum) |
A judge of elegance; a supreme authority in matters of taste |
服饰风度鉴识家 |
Arbores serit diligens agricola, quarum adspiciet bacam ipse numquam |
The diligent farmer plants trees the fruit of which he will never see |
前人种树,后人吃果 |
Arcades ambo |
Both Arcadians; friends of similar tastes; jocosely, two simpletons |
一丘之貉;一对傻瓜 |
Arcana caelestia |
Heavenly secrets; celestial mysteries |
天机莫测;宇宙奥秘 |
Arcana imperii |
State secrets |
国家机密 |
Ardentia verba |
Words that burn; glowing words |
热烈赞扬的话;生动的语言 |
Arena sine calce |
Sand without lime; incoherent speech |
语无伦次 |
Argilla quidvis imitaberis uda |
You may easily model anything with moist clay |
湿的黏土容易捏成任何形状 |
Argumentum a simili valet in lege |
An argument from a like case is good in law |
根据类似案例提出的论点,在法律上是有效的 |
Argumentum ad crumenam |
An appeal to one’s purse |
利诱的话;使对方注意到金钱利益的言论 |
Argumentum ad ignorantiam |
An appeal to one’s ignorance |
迎合无知听众的言论;根据对方不明事实而作的言论 |
Argumentum ad misericordiam |
An appeal to one’s sympathy |
乞怜的言论 |
Argumentum baculinum ( or ad baculum) |
An argument with a cane; an appeal to the stick |
威迫的言论;诉诸棍棒;暴力主义 |
Arma accipere |
To receive arms; be made a knight |
受封为骑士(或爵士);晋爵 |
Arma dare |
To give arms; make a man a knight |
封为骑士(或爵士) |
Arma pacis fulcra |
Arms are the props of peace |
军备是和平的支柱 |
Arma tuentur paces |
Arms maintains peace |
武力维持和平 |
Arrectis auribus |
With ears pricked up |
竖起耳朵来听;提高警觉 |
Arrha ( or arrae) |
Earnest money |
定金 |
Ars longa, vita brevis |
Art is long, life is short |
人生短促,艺术不朽 |
Arte perire sua |
To perish by one’s own cunning; be caught in one’s own trap |
作法自毙;作茧自缚 |
Artes liberales |
Liberal arts |
高等学艺;文科 |
Asinus asino, et sus sui pulcher |
An ass is beautiful to an ass and a pig to a pig |
惺惺相惜;物以类聚 |
Asinus asinum fricat |
Asses rub each other |
互相标榜 |
Assignatus utitur jure auctoris |
The assignee is possessed of the rights of his principal |
受让人享有让与人的权利 |
Assumpsit |
He undertook; a suit to recover damages for breach of a contract or actionable promise |
要求赔偿违约所受损失的诉讼 |
At spes non fructa |
But hope is not broken |
希望没有完全破灭 |
Atra cura |
Black care |
忧郁症 |
Auctor pretiosa facit |
The giver makes (the gifts) precious |
礼轻人意重;物轻人重 |
Audaces fortuna juvat |
Fortune favors the brave |
勇敢的人运气好 |
Audendo magnus tegitur timor |
Great fear is concealed by a show of daring |
色厉内荏 |
Audentes fortuna juvat |
Fortune favors the bold |
胆子大,运气就好 |
Audi alteram partem |
Hear the other side |
听取他方理由 |
Audiatur et altera pars |
Let the other side also be heard |
且听他方陈述 |
Audita querella |
The complaint having been heard; a common law writ giving the defendant leave to appeal |
准许被告上诉(令) |
Aura populis |
Popular breeze; popular favor |
民心反复无常 |
Aurea mediocritas |
The golden mean |
中庸之道 |
Aurea rumpunt tecta quietem |
Golden palaces break (or disturb) one’s rest |
贵为帝王者寝不安席 |
Auri sacra fames |
Accursed craving for gold |
财迷心窍 |
Auribus teneo lupum |
I have a wolf by the ears |
骑虎难下 |
Aurora australis |
Southern dawn |
南极光 |
Aurora borealis |
Northern dawn |
北极光 |
Auspicium melioris aevi |
An omen of a better age; a pledge of better times |
好日子的先兆;吉兆 |
Aut caesar aut nihil (aut nullus) |
Either Caesar or nothing; either first or nowhere |
只要第一,不要第二 |
Aut dedere, aut judicare |
Either extradite or judge |
或引渡或审判;不引渡即审判 |
Aut disce, aut discede; manet sors tertia, caedi |
Either learn or leave; a third choice remains (or is open to you)—to be flogged |
不求学,就退学;既不求学,又不退学,就要挨打 |
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam |
I will either find a way or make one |
千方百计 |
Aut morse aut victoria |
Death or victory |
不成功便成仁 |
Aut non tentaris, aut perfice |
Either don’t attempt it, or go through with it |
凡事应该彻底;做事应该有始有终 |
Aut punire aut dedere |
Either punish or extradite |
或惩罚或引渡;不惩罚即引渡 |
Aut reddere, aut punire |
Either extradite or punish |
或引渡或惩罚;不引渡即惩罚 |
Aut vincere aut mori |
Victory or death |
不成功便成仁 |
Auxilium non leve vultus habet |
The face affords no inconsiderable aid; a good face is a good recommendation |
面貌秀丽占尽便宜 |
Avito viret honore |
He flourishes upon ancestral honors |
承先祖余荫 |
Bancus Communium Placitorum |
Court of Common Pleas |
高等民事法庭 |
Bancus Regis |
King’s Bench |
(英国)高等法院 |
Barbae tenus sapientes |
Men wise as far as their beards; men who pretend to knowledge they do not possess |
不懂装懂的人;冒牌专家 |
Basis virtutum constantia |
Constancy is the foundation of the virtues |
坚贞为道德之本 |
Beatae memoriae |
Of blessed memory |
已经去世的;先;故 |
Beati pacifici |
Blessed are the peace makers |
使人和睦的人有福了(圣经马太福音第五章) |
Beati pauperes spiritu |
Blessed are the poor in spirit |
虚心的人有福了 |
Beati possidentes |
Happy are those who possess |
〔谑〕有财产的人有福了 |
Bella, horrida bella |
Wars, horrid wars |
兵凶战恶 |
Bellum internecinum |
Internecine war; war of extermination |
自相残杀的战争;内战 |
Bellum lethale |
Deadly war |
生死战 |
Bellum omnium in omnes |
A war of all against all |
全面战争 |
Bene decessit |
He died well; he died naturally |
他得善终 |
Bene est tentare |
It is as well to try |
不妨一试 |
Bene exeat |
“Let him (or her) go forth well”; certificate of good character |
品行优良证书 |
Bene qui latuit bene vixit |
Well has he lived who has lived a retired life |
隐居者生活安逸 |
Bene vale |
Farewell |
再会;别了 |
Bene vale vobis |
Good luck to you |
祝你好运 |
Benigno numine |
With favoring providence; by the favor of heaven |
靠上帝帮助;赖天之助 |
Bibere venenum in auro |
To drink poison from a golden cup |
用金杯喝毒药;(喻)表面受宠,实际受害 |
Bis |
Twice |
再;二度;之一 |
Bis dat qui cito dat |
He gives twice who gives quickly |
即施倍与 |
Bis peccare in bello non licet |
There must be no second blunder in war |
战争中不容许有两次错误 |
Bis pueri senes |
Old men are twice children |
返老还童 |
Bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria |
He conquers twice who conquers himself in victory |
胜而不骄,等于征服两次 |
Bis vivit qui bene |
He lives twice who lives well |
生活得好,等于活两辈子 |
Blandae mendacia linguae |
The lies of a flattering tongue |
阿谀谄媚;奉承的话 |
Bona fide |
In good faith; genuine |
诚意(的);真实(的) |
Bona fides |
Good faith |
诚意;守信 |
Bona fides exigit ut quod convenit fiat |
Good faith requires that what has been agreed upon shall be done |
守信即须履行契约 |
Bona fides non patitur, ut bis idem exigatur |
Good faith does not allow one to exact his pay twice |
守信即是不许要求支付两次代价 |
Bona fiscalia |
Fiscal (or public) property |
公共财产 |
Bona gestura |
Good behavior |
良好的行为 |
Bona gratia |
In all kindness |
十分亲切;非常客气 |
Bona immobilia |
Immovable property |
不动产 |
Bona mobilia |
Movable goods |
动产 |
Bona notabilia |
Noteworthy things |
贵重物品 |
Bona peritura |
Perishable goods |
易损害物品 |
Bona vacantia |
Unclaimed goods |
无主之物 |
Bona waviata |
Stolen goods thrown away by a thief in his flight for fear of being apprehended |
弃赃 |
Bonae notae |
Meritorious |
优良;优秀 |
Boni et legales homines |
Good and lawful men; qualified jurors |
善良手法的人;合格陪审员 |
Boni judicis est causas litium dirimere |
A good judge should dissipate the causes of litigation |
好的法官应该消除诉讼的原因 |
Boni judicis est lites dirimere, et interest reipublicae ut sint fines litium |
A good judge should end litigation, and it is of interest to the state that litigation should end |
好的法官应该结束诉讼,为了国家的利益,诉讼应该结束 |
Bonis nocet quisquis pepercevit malis |
Whoever spares the bad injures the good |
纵容坏人,即损害好人;纵恶欺善 |
Bonis non amovendis |
That the goods be not removed |
禁止搬移财产(令) |
Bonis quod bene fit haud perit |
Whatever is done for good men is never done in vain |
帮助好人总是有益的 |
Bos in lingua |
An ox on the tongue; a weighty reason for silence |
难言之隐 |
Breve judicialia |
Judicial writs |
法院的令状;司法令 |
Breve originale |
An original writ |
诉讼开始令 |
Brevi manu |
With a short hand; immediately |
立刻;立即 |
Brevis esse laboror, obscurus fio |
In trying to be concise, I become obscure |
语焉不详 |
Brutum fulmen |
A harmless thunderbolt; vain display of force; empty threat |
虚张声势 |
Cacoethes carpendi |
A passion for criticizing |
好批评人的习惯 |
Cacoethes loquendi |
Mania for talking |
爱说话的脾气 |
Cadit quaestio |
The argument collapses (for want of proof); the question admits of no further argument |
理论不能成立;问题无继续讨论余地 |
Caeca invidia est |
Envy is blind |
妒嫉是盲目的 |
Caelitus mihi vires |
My strength is from heaven |
天受神力 |
Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt |
Those who cross the sea change only their climate, not their mind |
走遍海角天涯,本性不改 |
Calceus major subverit |
A shoe too large trips the wearer |
鞋大容易跌倒;计划太大不易执行 |
Callida junctura |
Skillful joining; cunning workmanship |
妙语 |
Canis in praesepti |
Dog in the manger |
狗占马槽 |
Canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet |
A cowardly dog barks more than it bites |
胆小的狗,叫的时候多,咬人的时候少 |
Cantabit vacuus coram latrone viator |
The penniless wayfarer will sing in the presence of the highwayman; a penniless man has nothing to lose |
没钱不怕拦路贼 |
Capias |
Thou mayest take; writ of arrest |
逮捕令 |
Capias ad audiendum judicium |
Thou mayest bring (the defendant) to hear judgment; a writ issued to bring a defendant to the court to receive sentence |
被告出庭聆听判决(的传票) |
Capias ad respondendum |
Thou mayest bring (the defendant) to answer (the plaintiff); a writ issued for the arrest of a person against whom an indictment for misdemeanor has been found, so that he may be arraigned |
逮捕被告令 |
Capias ad satisfaciendum ( |
Thou mayest seize to satisfy damages; a writ whereby a defendant in a civil action is arrested and held in prison until payment is made |
逮捕债务人令 |
Capiat qui capere possit |
Let him take who can |
有本领的尽管拿去 |
Capitalis justiciarius |
Chief justice |
首席法官;法院院长 |
Capitis deminutio |
A diminishing of personality; a loss of a man’s legal qualifications |
人格减等;权利能力的丧失;公权的丧失 |
Captantes capti sumus |
We catchers have been caught; the biter is bitten |
作茧自缚;作法自毙 |
Captatio benevolentiae |
A reaching after good-will; a currying of favor |
拍马屁;争宠取悦 |
Caput |
The head; personality |
头;人格 |
Caret initio et fine |
It lacks beginning and end |
没头没尾;无始无终 |
Carpe diem, quam, minimum credula postero |
Make the most of today and place no trust in tomorrow |
今朝有酒今朝醉,明日有事明日当;把握今天,莫待明天 |
Carpent tua poma nepotes |
Your descendants will pluck your fruit |
前人种树后人乘凉;前人种因,后人食果 |
Cassetur billa |
Let the bill be quashed |
撤销诉状;撤销起诉书 |
Cassis tutissima virtus |
Virtue is the safest helmet; an honest man need fear nothing |
道德是最坚固的盔甲;有德无惧 |
Castella in Hispania |
Castles in Spain; castles in the air |
空中楼阁 |
Castigat ridendo mores |
It corrects manners by laughing at them |
(喜剧)以笑谑方式来移风易俗;警世喜剧 |
Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem |
I chastise you not because I hate you but because I love you |
我对你,爱之弥坚,责之弥深 |
Casus belli |
An occasion for war; an act regarded as justifying war |
战争的原因;战争的借口 |
Casus conscientiae |
A case of conscience |
良心问题 |
Casus foederis |
A case of the treaty; a case or event covered by the provisions or stipulations of a treaty or compact |
条约规定的情况;条约订明的情况 |
Casus fortuitus |
An accident; a chance occurrence |
意外事件 |
Casus omissus |
A case omitted or unprovided for as in a law |
法律未加规定的情况 |
Causa causans |
The immediate cause |
直接原因 |
Causa causata |
Cause resulting from a previous cause; effect |
结果 |
Causa essendi |
Cause of being |
存在原因 |
Causa finalis |
Final cause |
终极原因 |
Causa latet, vis est notissima |
The cause is hidden, but its force is very well known |
原因不明,但影响很大 |
Causa mali |
Cause of mischief |
灾祸的原因;祸根 |
Causa mortis (donatio) |
In prospect of death |
遗赠;临终的 |
Causa proxima |
Immdeiate cause |
直接原因;近因 |
Causa remota |
Remote cause; mediate cause |
远因;间接原因 |
Causa secunda |
Secondary cause |
次要的原因;间接原因 |
Causa sine qua non |
Cause without which not; a necessary or inevitable cause; a cause without which the effect in question could not have happened |
不可欠缺的原因;必要原因 |
Causa vera |
True cause |
真正原因 |
Cautio judicatum solvi |
Security for costs |
庭费保证金 |
Cave ab homine unius libri |
Beware of the man of one book |
当心只读一本书的人 |
Cave canem |
Beware of dogs |
当心恶犬 |
Cave ne cadas |
Take care you do not fall; beware of falling from your high position |
(居高位者)慎防失足 |
Cave quid dicis, quando et cui |
Take care what you say, when and to whom |
说话应留心内容,场合和对象 |
Caveat |
Let him beware |
当心;警诫;中止诉讼的申请 |
Caveat consules (ne quid detrimenti respublica capiat) |
Let the consuls beware (so that the people will not suffer any damage) |
当政者应小心(以免人民受害) |
Caveat emptor |
Let the buyer beware |
买主当心;顾客留心,出门不换 |
Caveat emptor, qui ignorare non debuit quod jus alienum emit |
Let a buyer beware, who ought not to be ignorant that he is buying the right of another |
买主应该当心,不可贸然误买别人的权利 |
Caveat venditor |
Let the seller beware |
卖主当心 |
Caveat viator |
Let the traveler beware |
路人当心 |
Cavendo tutus |
Safe by reason of caution |
小心留意,以策安全 |
Cedant arma togae |
Let arms yield to the tog; let the military yield to the civil power |
偃武修文;重文轻武 |
Celsae graviore casu decidunt turres |
Lofty towers fall with a greater crash; the bigger they come, the harder they fall |
楼盖得越高,塌下来就越响;(喻)爬得越高,跌得越痛 |
Cepi corpus (et paratus habeo) |
I have taken the body (and have it ready); the endorsement of a sheriff upon a writ of arrest of a person |
罪犯已经逮捕 |
Certiorari |
To be certified; a writ to call the certified records of a lower court |
复审令;诉讼文件移交命令 |
Certum est quia impossible est |
It is true because it is impossible |
因不可能,所以真实 |
Certum est quod certum reddi potest |
That is certain which can be rendered certain |
可能确定的,便可以当它是真实的 |
Certum voto pete finem |
Set a definite limit to your desire |
克制欲望 |
Cessante causa, cessat effectus |
When the cause ceases, the effect ceases |
因去则果除 |
Cessante ratione legis, cessat ipsa lex |
The reason of the law ceasing, the law itself ceases |
法律的原因消失,法律本身随之消失 |
Cessio bonorum |
Cession of goods; a surrender, relinquishment, or assignment of all his property and effects made by an insolvent debtor for the benefit of his creditios |
交出财产;放弃财产 |
Cessio legis |
Legal cession |
法定让与 |
Cetera desunt |
The rest are lacking (or missing) |
(古书或手稿不全时,于末端注明)以下缺;下文逸失 |
Ceteris paribus |
Equal in all other respects; other things being equal |
(假使)其余情况都相同 |
Cineri gloria sera est (or venit) |
Glory paid to ashes comes too late |
死后表扬,为时已晚 |
Circa |
About |
大约;前后 |
Circiter |
About |
大约 |
Circuitus verborum |
A circumlocution; a beating about the bush |
委婉的说法;绕圈子说话 |
Circulus in probando |
A circle in the proof; reasoning in a circle |
循环论法;谬论 |
Circulus vitiosus |
A vicious circle |
恶性循环;循环论法 |
Citius venit periculum cum contemnitur |
Danger comes sooner when it is ignored |
比加防范,危险就到 |
Cito naturum, cito putridum |
Soon ripe, soon rotten |
早熟早烂 |
Clausula generalis de residuo non ea comnplectitur quae non ejusdem sint generis cum iis quae speciatim dicta fuerant |
A general clause of remainder does not embrace those things which are not of the same kind with those which had been specially mentioned |
列举事项的末端所加的概括规定,不包括与列举事项所明示的事物性质相异的事项 |
Cogito ergo sum |
I think, therefore I am |
我思故我在 |
Cognati |
Persons related by blood; relations on the mother’s side |
血亲;(民法上称)母系亲属 |
Cognatio |
Relation by blood; relationship through females |
血亲;母系血亲 |
Cognovit actionem |
He has acknowledged the action; the defendant confesses that the plaintiff’s cause of actionculo est is just |
被告承认书(承认原告要求正当的具结) |
Colubrem in sinu fovere |
To cherish a snake in one’s bosom |
姑息养奸;养虎遗患 |
Comes jucundus in via pro veh |
A pleasant companion on the road is as good as a carriage |
与风趣的人结伴走路有如乘车 |
Comitas inter gentes |
Courtesy between nations |
国际礼貌 |
Commodatum |
A loan for use |
使用借贷 |
Commodum ex injuria sua nemo habere debet |
No one ought to have advantage from his own wrong |
任何人不得因自己的不法行为取得利益 |
Commune bonum |
Common good; the good of all |
公益 |
Commune periculum condordiam parit |
A common danger begets unity |
共同危难使人团结 |
Communi consensu |
By common consent |
根据共同意见;依公意 |
Communibus annis |
In common (or average) year; on the annual average |
每年平均 |
Compendia dispendia |
Shoretcuts are roundabout ways |
欲速则不达 |
Compesce mentem |
Control thy temper |
抑制情绪;忍住性子 |
Componere lites |
To settle disputes |
解决争端 |
Compos mentis |
Sound of mind; in one’s right mind |
精神健全 |
Compos sui |
Master of himself |
自制 |
Compos voti |
Having obtained one’s wish |
心满意足;如愿以偿 |
Conatus sese preservandi |
The effort to preserve oneself; the will to live |
生存的意志;求生的意志 |
Conditio sine qua non |
Condition without which not; an essential condition |
必要的条件;必不可少的条件 |
Confer (cf.) |
Compare |
比较 |
Confido et conquiesco |
I trust and am at rest |
我深信不疑,安心无虑 |
Conjunctis viribus |
With strength united |
力量团结;力量集中 |
Conscia mens recti |
A mind conscious of integrity |
性情耿介;正直的人 |
Conscientia mille testes |
Conscience is as good as a thousand witnesses |
良心是铁证 |
Consensus ad idem |
Consent to the same |
共同意见;一致意见;公意 |
Consensus facit legem |
Consent makes law |
法律基于公意 |
Consensus omnium |
Universal consent |
一致同意;公意 |
Consequitur quodcunque petit |
He attains whatever he attempts |
他无往不利;他万事如意 |
Consuetudo debet esse certa; nam incerta pro nulla habentur |
A custom should be certain, for an uncertain custom is considered null |
惯例应该是确定的;因为不确定的惯例应视为无效 |
Consuetudo fit altera natura |
Habit becomes second nature |
积习成性 |
Consuetudo pro lege servatur |
Custom is to be held as law (if no specific law exists) |
(法律没有明文规定时)习惯即是法律 |
Consummatum est |
It is finished |
成了(耶稣临终的话);完了;大功告成 |
Continuando |
Continuing; allegation that the defendant’s trespass is a continuing one |
继续侵犯 |
Contra |
Against; on the other hand |
相反;在另一面 |
Contra bonos mores |
Against good morals |
违反道德;有伤风化 |
Contra formam statuti |
Against the form of the statute |
违反有关法令规定 |
Contra jus gentium |
Against the law of nations |
违反国际法 |
Contra legem |
Against the law |
违反法律 |
Contra pacem |
Against the peace |
破坏治安;破坏社会秩序 |
Contractus re |
Contract of things |
要物契约 |
Contractus specialis derogat generali |
A special contract supersedes a general contract |
特别契约优于普通契约 |
Contradictio in adjecto |
Contradiction in terms |
措词矛盾;言语矛盾 |
Contraria contrariis curantur |
Opposites are cured by opposites |
以毒攻毒 |
Contrario sensus |
Opposite sense |
相反的意思 |
Conventio vincit legem |
The agreement of the parties overrides the law |
合同胜过法律 |
Copia fandi |
Abundance of talk |
滔滔不绝;口若悬河 |
Copia verborum |
Torrent of words; fluency |
言辞丰富;口若悬河;长篇大论 |
Coram judice |
Before a judge |
在法官面前;在审理中 |
Coram nobis |
Before us (the king’s bench); applied to writs of error directed to another branch of the same court |
冤狱补救令 |
Coram non judice |
In the presence of a person not a judge; before a judge who does not have the jurisdiction |
不是在法官面前;由无管辖权的法官(或法院)审判 |
Coram populo |
In public |
当众;公开 |
Coram vobis |
Before you; a writ of error directed by a court of review to the court which tried the case, to correct an error in fact |
本院复审令 |
Corpora lente angescunt cito extinguuntur |
Bodies grow slowly (and)die quickly; bodies are slow in growth, rapid in decay |
身体成长慢而死亡快;肢体难长易腐 |
Corpus delicti |
The body of the crime; the substance or fundamental facts of a crime or offence |
罪体;犯罪事实 |
Corpus juris |
A body of law |
法典 |
Corpus juris civilis |
The body of civil law |
民法法典 |
Corrigendum |
To be corrected |
更正;勘误 |
Corrumpunt bonos mores colloquia mala |
Evil communications corrupt good manners |
言语淫秽,伤风败俗 |
Corruptio optimi pessima |
The corruption of the best is the worst |
好人变坏人,坏得没人比 |
Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges |
In the most corrupt state are the most laws |
政府越腐败,法律越多 |
Cos ingeniorum |
A whetstone for the wits |
激发才智之物;灵感泉源 |
Crassa negligentia |
Culpable negligence; gross neglect |
疏忽罪;重大过失 |
Crescente malitia crescere debet et poena |
Vice increasing, punishment ought also to increase |
罪恶增加,惩罚也应加重 |
Crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia crescit |
The love of money increases as the pile grows |
钱越多,越贪钱 |
Crescit sub pondere virtus |
Virtue grows under oppression |
压迫之下,美德滋长 |
Cribro aquam haurire |
To draw water in a sieve |
以筛汲水 |
Crimen erga omnes |
Crime against all (mankind) |
危害全人类罪行 |
Crimen falsi |
The crime of perjury; the crime of forgery |
伪证罪;伪造文书罪 |
Crimen furti |
The crime of theft |
盗窃罪 |
Crimen incendii |
The crime of burning |
纵火罪 |
Crimen laesae majestalis |
High treason |
叛国罪 |
Crimen trahit personam |
The crime carries the person (i.e., the commission of a crime gives the courts of the place where it is committed jurisdiction over the person of the offender) |
犯人应在犯罪地点的法院受审 |
Crimina morte extinguuntur |
Crimes are extinguished by death |
人死罪也消失 |
Crique in sua arte perito credendum est |
To each one skilled in his own art credence should be given |
内行(专家)的话,可以置信 |
Cucullus non facit monachum |
The cowl does not make the monk |
穿起袈裟不一定就是和尚;不可以貌取人 |
Cui bono? |
Who benefits by it? For whose benefit? |
对谁有利 |
Cui malo? |
Who will be harmed? |
对谁有害 |
Cuilibet in arte sua perito est credendum |
Whosoever is skilled in his profession is to be believed |
专家的话应该相信 |
Cuique suum |
To each one his own |
各得其所应得;赏罚分明 |
Cujus est commodum, ejus est onus |
He who has the benefit has also the burden |
享受利益的人,就有责任担负损失;利之所在, 损之所归 |
Cujus est solum ejus est usque ad coelum et ad inferos |
He who owns the soil owns also to the sky and to the depth |
土地所有权上至天空,下至地心 |
Cujus regio, ejus religio |
Whoever governs the region controls the religion |
统治一地者,亦控制其宗教 |
Culpa caret qui scit sed prohibere non potest |
He is clear of blame who knows, but cannot prevent |
虽知而无力阻止,并非过失 |
Culpa concurrens |
Contributory negligence |
与有过失 |
Culpa est immiscere se rel ad se non pertinenti |
It is a fault for any one to meddle in a matter not pertaining to him |
干涉他人事物,即是过失 |
Culpa in concreto |
A concrete fault |
个性过失;具体过失 |
Culpa in contrahendo |
A contractual fault |
契约过失 |
Culpa lata |
Gross negligence |
严重疏忽罪 |
Culpa lata dolo aequiparatur |
A gross fault is held equivalent to intentional wrongf |
重大过失以故犯论 |
Culpa levis |
Ordinary negligence |
普通疏忽罪;普通过失 |
Culpa levissima |
A very slight negligence |
轻微疏忽罪;轻微过失 |
Culpae poena part esto |
Let the punishment be proportioned to the crime |
罪行应按轻重惩罚 |
Culpam majorum posteri luunt |
Descedants pay for the shortcomings of their ancestors |
祖宗有过,祸延子孙 |
Culpam poena premit comes |
Punishment follows at the heels of crime |
罪不可遁;有罪必有罚 |
Cum grano salis |
With a grain of salt; to be taken with reservations |
有保留态度;打个折扣 |
Cum laude |
With praise |
优等 |
Cum licet fugere, ne quaere litem |
When you can get off, do not seek a contest with the law |
法律诉讼,可避免则避免 |
Cum notis variorum |
With the notes of various commentators |
附各家评注;集注本 |
Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum |
The privilege of exclusive right to publication |
独家出版权 |
Cum tacent, clamant |
When they are silent they cry loudest; their silence speaks louder than words |
无言的抗议,等于大声的谴责 |
Curia advisari vult |
The court wishes to be advised; the court needs time to deliberate (before delivering judgment) |
延期判决 |
Curiculum vitae |
Biographical data |
履历表 |
Curiosa felicitas |
Careful felicity; a felicity of expression that is the result of careful, studied effort to find the right phrasing |
措词恰当;用字严谨 |
Currente calamo |
With a running pen; a free style |
纵笔(直书);即席 |
Currus bovem trahit praepostere |
The wagon drags the ox behind it; to put the cart before the horse |
本末倒置 |
Cursus curiae est lex curiae |
The practice of the court is the law of the court |
法院的诉讼程序等于法院的法律 |
Curta supellex |
Scanty supply of furniture; meager stock of knowledge |
知识贫乏;学识浅薄 |
Custodia legis |
In the custody of the law |
依法保管的(财产) |
Custos privati sigilli |
Keeper of the Privy Seal |
掌玺大臣 |
Custos Rotulorum |
Keeper of the Rolls |
掌管档案的法官 |