Latin P~V: based on hard copy compiled by the Chinese Translation Service |
Electronic version by Chin-Wen Yao & Yaw-Tsong Lee October, 00 |
pacem in terris |
peace on earth |
天下太平;世上和平 |
Paci sunt maxime contraria vis et injuria. |
Violence and injury are the things chiefly hostile to peace. |
暴力和伤害是和平的主要祸患 |
pacta conventa |
the conditions agreed upon |
约定条款 |
Pacta conventa quae neque contra leges, neque dolo malo inita sunt, omni modo observanda sunt. |
Agreements, which are neither contrary to the laws, nor fraudulently entered into, should be adhered to in every manner. |
契约若非违法,亦非以欺诈方式订立,即应严格遵守 |
Pacta privata juri publico derogare non possunt. |
Private contracts cannot impair public law. |
私人契约不得损害公共法律 |
Pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque, vel contra bonos mores fiunt, nullam vim habere. |
Contracts which are made against law or against good morals have no force. |
违反法律或道德的契约不得生效 |
Pacta sunt servanda. |
Pacts must be observed. |
条约必须遵守 |
Pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt. |
Pacts neither harm nor benefit third parties. |
协定不得使第三者负担义务,也不得给予利益 |
pactum |
treaty; agreement |
条约;协定;协议 |
pactum de contrahendo |
promise to contract |
缔约的承诺 |
pactum illicitum |
an unlawful agreement |
非法协定;违法合同;非法协议 |
pactum vestitum |
an enforceable pact |
有效契约 |
panem et circenses |
bread and the circuses; food and entertainment |
面包与马戏;吃与娱乐 |
Par im parem imperium non habet. |
An equal has no dominion over an equal. |
地位平等,互不支配 |
par in parem non habet jurisdictionem |
An equal has no jurisdiction over an equal. |
地位平等,彼此无管辖权 |
par pari refertus |
like for like; tit for tat |
以牙还牙 |
pari causa |
with equal right; upon an equal footing; equivalent in rights or claims |
权利平等;地位平等 |
pari delicto |
in equal fault; in a similar offence or crime; equal in guilt or in legal fault |
罪过相等 |
pari materia |
of the same matter; on the same subject |
性质相同的;相关的 |
pari passu |
with equal pace; at the same rate; simultaneously |
并行;以同一步调;按同样比例;同时 |
pari ratione |
for the same reason; by the same mode of reasoning |
根据同样理由 |
Paria copulantur paribus. |
Like things unite with like. |
同类相聚;物以类聚 |
Paribus sententiis reus absolvitur. |
Where the opinions are equal, (where the court is equally divided,) the defendant is acquitted. |
如双方法官人数相等,被告应无罪获释 |
Parium eadem est ratio, idem jus. |
Of things equal, the reason is the same, and the same is the law. |
对于相同的事,如理由相同,适用法律也应相同 |
pars conditium creditium |
all creditors are equal |
所有债权人平等 |
pars ejusdem negotii |
a part of the same transaction or business |
同属一笔交易的一部分 |
pars pro toto |
a part for the whole |
以部分代整体;以点代面;举隅法 |
Parte quacumque integrante sublata, tollitur totum. |
An integral part being taken away, the whole is taken away. |
删除一个组成部分,即是整个删除 |
particeps criminis |
an accomplice in a crime |
共犯;同谋;从犯 |
pater patriae |
father of the country |
国父 |
Pateat universis per praesentes. |
Know all men by these presents. |
特此证明;特此公布 |
pater familias |
father of the household |
一家之父;家长;族长 |
Pater is est quem nuptiae demonstrant. |
The father is he who the marriage points out. |
婚姻指出父亲(产妇的丈夫即为生父) |
patria potestas |
paternal power or authority |
父权;家长权 |
Pax Dei (or Pax Ecclesiae) |
Peace of God (or Peace of the Church); an attempt of the Church in the middle ages to lessen the evils of private warfare |
宗门和平律 |
pax orbis terrarum |
peace of the world;; universal peace |
世界和平;天下太平 |
Pax paritur bello. |
Peace is produced by war. |
有战争才有和平 |
pax regis |
peace of the king; the peace, good order, and security for life and property which is one of the objects of government to maintain |
国家的治安 |
Peccata contra naturam sunt gravissima. |
Crimes against nature are the most heinous. |
违反自然(人性)的罪最为重大 |
peculium |
small property owned by a member of a family |
(罗马法中家属拥有的)特有财产 |
pecunia non numerata |
money not paid |
未付款项;欠款 |
pendente lite |
during the suit; while litigation continues |
在诉讼中;未决 |
per annum |
by the year; annually |
每年 |
per aspera ad astra |
through hardship to the stars |
经历艰险终成大业;刻苦成功;吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 |
per capita (per caput) |
by heads; for each individual |
每人(平均) |
per centum |
by the hundred; of each hundred |
每百;百分之(几) |
per contra |
on the contrary |
反之;相反的 |
per curiam |
by the court(as a whole) |
本院;全院;全体法官 |
per diem |
(so much) by the day |
每日;按日津贴 |
per essentiam |
essentially |
本质上;基本上 |
per fas et nefas |
through right or wrong |
不择手段 |
per formula pretori |
by means of the magistrate’s formula |
依照裁判官的程式 |
per gradus |
step by step |
逐步地;按部就班 |
per incuriam |
through inadvertence |
因不小心;出于不慎 |
per interim |
in the interim; in the meantime |
同时;就在这期间 |
per legem terrae |
by the law of the land; by due process of law |
依国家法律;经适当法律程序 |
per mensem |
by the month; monthly |
按月;每月 |
per mill |
by the thousand; of each thousand |
每千;千分之(几) |
per pares |
by one’s peers |
同侪(审判);由同等的人(进行,组成) |
per procurationem |
by proxy; by the action of |
由。。代办;代行 |
per quod |
whereby |
因此 |
per saecula saeculorum |
for generations and generations; for ages |
世世代代;永远 |
per saltum |
by a leap |
一跃;一下子;一蹴而就 |
per se (per sees) |
by (or in) itself; intrinsically |
本身;本来;本质上 |
per stirpes |
by roots or stocks; by representation |
依照家系(分配财产);依照代表 |
per totam curiam |
by the entire court; unanimously |
全体法官一致(判决) |
per universitatem |
by an aggregate; as a whole |
全部 |
periculum rei venditae, nondum traditae, est emptoris |
The risk of a thing sold, and not yet delivered, is the purchaser’s. |
货物已卖出,尚未交货,其危险由买方负担 |
perpetuum mobile |
in continuous motion |
永恒运动 |
Perspicua vera non sunt probanda. |
Plain truths need not be proved. |
明显的真理(事实)不必证明 |
persona designata |
a designated person |
指定人 |
persona grata |
a person who is welcome |
受欢迎人物 |
persona non grata |
a person who is not welcome |
不受欢迎人物 |
persona standi in judicio |
capacity of standing in court; capacity to sue |
诉讼权利;诉讼资格 |
Personae vice fungitur municipium et decuria. |
A town or a borough acts as a person. |
区镇具有法人地位 |
persons non compotes mentis |
persons of unsound mind |
精神不健全的人 |
petitio principii |
a begging of the question |
以争点为论据;匿证详争;武断 |
pia causa |
a pious cause; charity |
慈善团体、事业 |
pia desideria |
pious grief; honest desire |
虔诚的悔恨;良善的意向 |
pignus |
a pledge or pawn |
质权;抵押 |
placita communia |
common pleas |
民事诉讼 |
plena forisfactura |
a forfeiture of all that one possesses |
财产全部没收 |
plena probatio |
full proof |
充分证据 |
plene administravit |
he has fully administered (all the assets that have come into his hands) |
(遗产管理人提出的)遗产全部处理答辩 |
pleno jure |
with full right (or authority) |
全权 |
plenum dominium |
full ownership |
绝对所有权 |
Plus peccat author quam actor. |
The originator or instigator of a crime is a worse offender than the actual perpetrator of it. |
主使者的罪比犯罪者更重 |
plus petitio |
excessive claim |
过分的请求 |
Poena ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat. |
If punishment be inflicted on a few, a dread comes to all. |
惩一儆百 |
poena corporalis |
corporal punishment |
体罚;体刑 |
poena suos tenere debet actores et non alios. |
The punishment ought to belong to the actual perpetrators, and not to others. |
应受惩罚的是实际犯罪的人,不是别人 |
Politiae legibus non leges politiis adaptandae. |
Politics are to be adapted to the laws, and not the laws to politics. |
政治必须适应法律,法律不必迁就政治 |
positivi juris |
of positive law |
成文法的 |
posse comitatus |
the force or power of the county; the entire population of the county above the age of fifteen, which a sheriff may summon to his assistance in certain cases; as to aid him in keeping the peace, in pursuing and arresting felons, etc. |
应召壮丁;民兵队 |
possessio ad interdicta |
possession according to or protected by the praetor’s order |
(受大法官保护的)法定占有 |
post bellum |
after the war |
战后 |
post factum |
after the deed |
事后 |
post hoc |
after this |
由此;因此 |
post hoc, ergo propter hoc |
after this, therefore on account of this |
先在为因 |
post meridiem (P.M.) |
after midday |
下午;午后 |
post mortem |
after death |
死后 |
post scriptum (P.S.) |
something written afterward; postscript |
再者;又及(用于信末);附录,跋(用于书末);结束语 |
postulata |
fundamental assumptions |
基本假定 |
Potentia debet sequi justitiam, non antecedere. |
Power ought to follow justice, it ought not to precede it. |
权力必须遵守法律,不得超越法律 |
Potentia non est nisi ad bonum. |
Power is not conferred but for the public good. |
凡非公共利益的事,不得授予权力;权力只为公益而授予 |
potentia propinqua |
common possibility |
一般的可能性 |
potentia remota |
a remote possibility |
可能性太小 |
potentia remotissima |
a remotest (or) most improbable possibility |
可能性极小 |
Potior est conditio defendentis. |
Better is the condition of the defendant (than that of the plaintiff) |
被告的地位(比原告)有利 |
Potior est conditio possidentis. |
Better is the condition of the possessor. |
占有人的地位有利 |
potius mori quam foedari |
death rather than disgrace |
宁死不受辱 |
praedia bellica |
booty; property seized in war |
战利品 |
Praestat cautela quam medela. |
Prevention is better than cure. |
预防重于治疗 |
praesumptio juris et des jure |
presumption of law and from law |
合法和依法的推定 |
Praesumptio, ex eo quod plerumque fit. |
A presumption arises from that which occurs many times. |
经常发生的情况可以作为推定的根据 |
praeter legem |
beyond the law |
超越法律之外 |
Praetextus liciti non debet admitti illicitum. |
Under pretext of legality, what is illegal ought not to be admitted. |
非法行为纵然伪称合法,也不得容许 |
Praxis judicum est interpres legum. |
The practice of the judges is the interpreter of the laws. |
法官的惯例即是法律的解释 |
pretium doloris |
price of suffering |
痛苦的代价,(痛苦的补偿),抚恤金 |
pretium periculi |
the price of the risk; the premium paid on a policy of insurance |
保险金;保险费 |
prima facie |
at first view |
显然;一见之下;乍见起来;表面上证据确凿的(案件) |
primae impressionis |
of the first impression; of a new kind, to which no established principle of law of precedent directly applies |
初次发现的(案件);前无判例的 |
primum mobile |
the prime source of motion; mainspring |
运动(行为)的主动力;主要动机 |
Primum vivere, deinde philosophari. |
First live, then philosophize. |
以身作则 |
primus inter pares |
first among his equals |
同辈中第一;侪辈之冠 |
Princeps legibus solutus est. |
The ruler or sovereign is exempt from the law. |
国王不受法律约束 |
Principiorum non est ratio. |
There is no reasoning of principles; no argument is required to prove fundamental rules. |
原则不须证明 |
prior tempore, prior jure |
first in time, first by right; first come, first served |
先到者优先;先到先得 |
Privatorum conventio juri publico non derogat. |
The agreement of private individuals does not derogate from the public right. |
私人契约不损害公共权利 |
Privatum commodum publico cedit. |
Private good yields to public. |
公益重于私利 |
privilegium non valet contra rempublicam. |
Privilege is of no force against the commonwealth. |
对国家有害的特权不得生效 |
pro bono publico |
for the public good |
为公(共利)益 |
pro domo sua |
in defense of one’s home; in one’s own interest |
为了个人利益 |
pro domo sua (plea) |
in his own cause |
自行辩护 |
pro et contra (pro et con) |
for and against |
赞成与反对 |
pro forma |
for the sake of form; as a matter of form |
形式上;估计的;假定的;循例 |
pro hac vice |
for this occasion only |
只限这一次;只限于这种情况 |
pro indiviso |
as undivided; in common (said of possession of lands) |
不可分开的;共同的;共有的;合租的 |
pro interesse suo |
according to his interest; to the extent of his interest |
根据本身利益;在本身利益范围内 |
pro majori cautela |
for greater caution; by way of additional security |
为求格外谨慎起见 |
pro memoria |
for the sake of memory; a formal note embodying the written record of a diplomatic discussion; amount to be determined (in a budget estimate) |
作为纪念;备忘(录);(数额)待定 |
pro posse suo |
to the extent of his power or ability |
在其权力(或能力)范围内;按自己能力 |
Pro possessione praesumitur de jure. |
A presumption of law arises from possession. |
占有即是法律上推定的根据 |
pro rata |
according to rate (or proportion); proportionally |
按比例 |
pro re nata |
for the affair immediately in hand; for the occasion as it may arise; adapted to meet the particular occasion |
应付特别需要的;临时的 |
pro se |
for himself; in his own behalf; in person |
为自己;自行;亲自 |
pro solido |
for the whole; as one; jointly; without division |
整个;全体 |
pro tanto |
for so much; to that extent; so far |
相当地;至此;到这个程度 |
pro tempore (pro.tem.) |
for the time being; temporarily |
临时;暂代 |
pro virili parte |
for a man’s part; to the utmost of one’s ability |
尽力;竭尽所能 |
probatia viva |
living proof; proof by the mouth of living witnesses |
人证 |
probatio mortua |
dead proof; proof by inanimate objects, such as deeds or other written evidence |
物证;证件 |
prolem sine matre creatam |
a child created without a mother |
非出自母胎;非模仿抄袭的; |
proprio motu |
by one’s own motion |
自行;自动 |
proprio vigore |
of one’s own strength; by its own force |
就本意而言 |
proviso |
provided (that); a condition in a contract or other agreement |
附文;条件;但书 |
publica utilitas |
profits belonging to the public |
公众的利益 |
punctum saliens |
salient point; important feature |
要点;重要情况 |
Punica fides |
Punic faith; fickleness; treachery |
反复无常;背信弃义;不忠实 |
quae consistunt in jure |
things consistent with law |
法律上拟制的关系 |
quaere |
query; it is a question |
疑问;有问题 |
quando acciderint |
when they (assets) shall come in |
等候得到财产时 |
quantum meruit |
as much as he deserved (to have for his labor) |
按照服务计值 |
quantum valebant |
as much as they (goods sold and delivered) were worth |
按货物价值计 |
quare clausum fregit |
wherefore he broke the close (made an unlawful entry upon land) |
为什么侵入原告的围场;为何侵入他人土地 |
quater |
four times |
四度;之四 |
querela |
an action preferred in any court of justice; a bill of complaint |
诉状;诉讼 |
Qui bene amat, bene castigat. |
He who loves well, chastises well. |
爱之弥深,责之弥笃 |
Qui cum alio contrahit vel est vel esse debet non ignarus conditionis ejus. |
He who enters into a contract with others is not or should not be ignorant of the conditions of the same. |
与他人订立契约者非不知也不应不知对方之地位 |
Qui facit per alium fact per se. |
He who acts through another acts himself; a man is legally responsible for his agent. |
托人做事,等于自己做事;代理人的行为有委托人负责 |
Qui nimium probat nihil probat. |
He who proves too much proves nothing. |
举证过多等于没有举证 |
Qui non habet, ille non dat. |
He who has not, give not; a person cannot convey a right that is not in him. |
非自己所有,不得让于他人 |
Qui non improbat, approbat. |
He who does not blame, approves. |
不责备即是赞成 |
Qui prodest? |
Who will profit from it? |
对谁有利 |
Qui tacet consentire videtur. |
He who is silent, is understood to consent. |
沉默即可视为同意 |
Qui tacet consentit. |
He who is silent consents. |
沉默即是同意 |
Quia ignorare non debuit quod jus alienum emit. |
He (the buyer) should not be ignorant that he is buying the right of another. |
买主不可贸然误买别人权利 |
quia timet |
because he fears |
因为担忧(而诉请法院作公平裁决) |
Quicquid est contra normam recti est injuria. |
Whatever is against the rule of right is a wrong. |
违反正当规则的行为,即是过失 |
Quicquid in excessu actum est, lege prohibetur. |
Whatever is done in excess is prohibited by law. |
过分行为,即是非法行为 |
quid pro quo |
something for something in return; equivalent; compensation |
交换物;同等物;赔偿 |
Quid sit jus, et in quo consistit injuria,legis est definire. |
What constitutes right, and what injury, it is the business of the law to declare. |
法律的责任是判明善恶是非 |
quo animo |
with what intention or motive |
动机何在 |
quoad hoc |
as to this; with respect to this |
关于此事 |
quod ab initio vitiosum est non potest tractu temporis convalescere. |
What is defective (or void ) from the beginning cannot improve (become valid) in the course of time. |
自始即有缺陷(的事物),非时间所能补救;自始即无效者,以后也不得生效 |
quod bene notandum |
which is to be well noted |
应该特别注意之点 |
Quod consta clare non debet verificari. |
What is clearly apparent need not be proved. |
显而易见的事,不必加以证明 |
Quod est inconveniens aut contra rationem non permissum est in lege. |
That which is inconvenient or against reason is not permissible in law. |
不适当与不合理的事,法律也不许可 |
quod jure |
by what title; a writ compelling the defendant to produce evidence of title |
依何权限;根据什么权利 |
Quod non agnoscit glossa, non agnoscit forum. |
That which the glossarist does not acknowledge, is not acknowledged by the court. |
注释家所不承认的原则,司法者必不予以考虑 |
quod plerumque fit |
which is mostly the case |
大致如此 |
quod vide |
which see |
见;参看 |
Quodque dissolvitur eodem modo quo ligatur. |
In the same manner that a thing is bound, in the same manner it is unbound. |
缔约方式应与解约方式相同 |
Quoties in verbis nulla est ambiguitas, ibi nulla exposito contra verba fienda est. |
When in the words there is no ambiguity, then no exposition contrary to the words is to be made. |
文字上没有不明之处,不得作与文字相反的解释 |
rara avis |
rare bird; prodigy |
罕有现象;少有的事;奇怪的现象;奇怪的东西 |
ratio decidendi |
reasons for deciding; grounds of decision |
判决理由 |
Ratio in legis est anima legis. |
The reason of law is the soul of law. |
制订法律的原因是法律的真意 |
Ratio injure aequitas integra. |
Reason in law is perfect equity. |
法律的真谛是绝对公平 |
ratione domicilii |
by reason of domicile |
住所地的理由 |
ratione loci |
on account of the place; by reason of the location |
因所在地点;在地点上 |
ratione materiae |
by reason of material |
本质上的理由 |
ratione personae |
by reason of person |
对人的理由 |
ratione soli |
by reason of the soil |
所在地的理由 |
ratione temporis |
by reason of time |
时间上的理由;在时间上 |
re |
concerning |
关于 |
re infecta |
the business being unfinished |
事情尚未解决;案件未了 |
rebus sic stantibus |
as matters stand; in these circumstances; a tacit condition, said to attach to all treaties, that they shall cease to be effective as soon as the state of facts and conditions upon which they were founded has substantially changed |
情势变迁(条款) |
Receditur a placitis juris, potius quam injuriae et delicta maneant impunita. |
Positive rules of law will be receded from (given up or dispensed with), rather than that crimes and wrongs should remain unpunished. |
宁可舍弃成文法规,不容罪行逃出法网 |
receptum indebiti |
receipt of something not due |
不当得利 |
Recongnitio nil dat novi. |
Recognition produces nothing new. |
承认并不产生新事物 |
Recurrendum est ad extraordinarium quando non valet ordinarium. |
We must have recourse to what is extraordinary, when what is ordinary fails. |
普通法律无效时,应采用特别法律 |
reductio ad absurdum |
reduction to absurdity |
间接还原法;归谬法;反证法 |
Regula pro lege, si deficit lex. |
In default of the law, the maxim rules. |
如无法律,依法律格言裁决 |
rerum universitas (or rerum natura) |
the universe |
宇宙 |
Res accessoria sequitur rem principalem. |
The accessory follows the principal. |
从物随主物 |
res alienae |
things belonging to others |
属于他人之物 |
res ancipitis usus |
a thing of double use |
和战两用物 |
res angusta domi |
straitened circumstances at home |
家境贫困 |
res communes |
things common to all |
人民共有物 |
res communis |
a public thing |
公用物 |
res communis omnium |
a thing belonging to all |
公用之物;公用物 |
res consuntibiles |
things that can be consumed |
消费物 |
res corporales |
tangible things; corporeal things |
有体物;具体的物品 |
res derelicta |
abandoned property |
抛弃的财物;弃物 |
res divisibiles |
divisible things |
可分物 |
res extra commercium |
things not capable of being traded |
不融通物 |
res extra patrimonium |
things not capable of being possessed |
不可有物 |
res fongibiles |
things that can be replaced |
代替物 |
res gestae |
things done; material facts; attending circumstances |
真事实;有关事实 |
res immobiles |
immovable things; real estate |
不动产 |
res in commercio |
things capable of being traded |
融通物 |
res in patrimonio |
things capable of being possessed |
可有物 |
res inconsuntibilies |
things that cannot be consumed |
非消费物 |
res incorporales |
intangible things; incorporeal things |
无体物 |
res indivisibiles |
indivisible things |
不可分物 |
res integra |
a whole thing; a new or unopened thing; a point of law which has not been decided |
未决定的要点;未决事项 |
res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet. |
Things done between strangers ought not to injure others. |
两者之间的行为不应损及他人 |
res inter alios acta. |
things done between others |
他人之间的行为(或宣告) |
res ipsa loquitur |
the thing speaks for itself |
事实本身的证明;免证自明 |
res judicata |
a decided case |
已决案件;定案 |
Res judicata pro veritate habetur. |
A settled case is taken for truth. |
定案即视为事实 |
res mobiles |
movable things; chattel |
动产 |
res non fongibiles |
things that cannot be replaced |
非代替物 |
res nullius |
a thing which has no owner |
无主之物;无主地 |
Res nullius naturaliter fit primi occupantis. |
A thing which ahs no owner naturally belongs to the first finder. |
无主之物当属最先发现者所有 |
res omnium communis |
a thing common to all |
大众共有之物;公物 |
res principales |
principal things |
主物 |
res privatae |
things belonging to one or more individuals; private property |
私有财产;私产;私物 |
Res propria est quae communis non est. |
A thing is private which is not common. |
非公物即是私物 |
res publicae |
public property |
公共财产;公物 |
res sic stantibus |
let the matter stand thus |
保持原状 |
res universitatis |
things belonging to a community |
公共财产;公物 |
Res, non verba. |
Deeds, not words. |
务求事实,勿作空论 |
Respondeat superior. |
Let the principal answer (for the acts of his agent). |
委托人应负担其代理人行为的责任 |
respondentia |
the hypothecation of the cargo or goods on board a ship as security for the repayment of a loan |
船货抵押 |
restitutio in integrum |
the rescinding of a contract or transaction on the ground of fraud, etc., so as to restore to their original position |
回复原状 |
restitutio in pristinum |
reparation by equivalence |
等价赔偿 |
reus credendi |
creditor |
债权人 |
reus debendi |
debtor |
债务人 |
Rex non potest peccare. |
The king can do no wrong. |
国王无过失 |
rigor mortis |
stiffness of death; stiffening of a dead body |
死后僵硬;尸僵 |
Roma locuta, causa finita. |
Rome has spoken, the case is settled; with the pronouncement from above, the matter is settled |
上级有指示,事情便成定局 |
rusticum |
farm; farm land |
耕作地 |
sal Atticum |
Attic salt; dry, delicate wit |
文雅的机智;妙语;警语 |
Salus populi suprema lex esto. |
Let the welfare of the people be the highest (or supreme) law. |
以人民的福利为最高法律 |
Salvo jure cujuslibet |
without prejudice to the rights of anyone |
任何人的权利不受损害;以不损害任何人的权利为原则 |
sancta simplicitas |
holy simplicity |
非常天真(的人) |
sanctum sanctorum |
holy of holies; private retreat |
至圣所;(俗称)私室 |
Sapiens nihil affirmat quod non probet. |
The sage does not affirm what he cannot prove. |
圣人对未经证明的事不加武断 |
sapienti sat |
enough the wise |
智者一言已足;闻一知十 |
Satis quod sufficit. |
What suffices is enough. |
凡事适可而止 |
scandalum magnatum |
sandal (or slander) of great men |
诋毁权贵 |
scire facias |
cause to know; a writ renewing a judgment that has expired |
告知令状 |
se defendendo |
in self-defense |
出于自卫 |
secta |
followers; witnesses for the plaintiff |
随同(原告)作证者;原告的证人 |
secundum artem |
according to art (or rule); scientifically; artificially |
技术地;人工地;科学地;巧妙地 |
secundum bonos mores |
according to good usages; according to established custom; regularly; orderly |
依照历来惯例;照例 |
secundum formam statuti |
according to the form of the statute |
依照法令规定 |
secundum legem |
according to law |
依法 |
secundum naturam |
according to nature; naturally; not artificially |
自然地;天然地 |
secundum ordinem |
in order; orderly |
依次;按次序的 |
secundum quid |
according to something; in some one respect only |
只在某点上;局部的 |
secundum regula |
according to rule |
按规则 |
secus |
otherwise; to the contrary |
不是这样;与此相反 |
sed haec hactenus |
but so much for this |
这且不说;这事暂且不谈 |
semble |
it seems |
似乎是 |
semper idem |
always the same |
总是如此 |
semper paratus |
always prepared |
时刻准备 |
Sensus verborum est anima legis. |
The meaning of the words is the spirit of the law. |
文字的意义是法律的精神 |
Sensus verborum est duplex—mitis et asper; et verba semper accipienda sunt in mitiori sensu. |
The meaning of words is twofold—mild and harsh; and words are always to be received in their milder sense. |
字有两义,一轻一重;始终应以其中较轻的字义为准 |
sequitur |
it follows; a logical inference |
由此可见;足证;合理的推论 |
seriatim |
serially; point by point ; in regular order |
连续;逐条;顺次 |
servitus praediorum |
servitude of the land (or estate) |
地役权 |
Si vis pacem, para bellum. |
If you desire peace, prepare for war. |
如要和平,必须备战 |
sic |
thus |
原文 |
sic in originali |
thus in the original |
原文如此 |
Sic transit gloria mundi. |
So passes away the glory of the world. |
世间富贵,瞬间即逝 |
Sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas. |
Use your own property in such a manner as not to injure that of another. |
使用自己财产时,不得损害别人财产 |
sicut alias |
as at another time; a second writ sent out when the first was not executed |
第二次传票 |
silento leges inter arma |
laws are silent in time of war; the power of law is suspended during war |
普通法律不适用于战时;普通法律在战时失去效力 |
simplicter |
absolutely; without reserve |
绝对的;纯然;完全 |
simplum |
a simple thing |
单一物 |
sine anno |
without the date |
(出版)日期不详 |
sine die |
without a day being appointed |
无期;无限期 |
sine loco, anno, vel nomine (s.l.a.n.) |
without place, year, or name |
(出版)地点,日期及作者姓名不详 |
sine mora |
without delay |
毫不迟延;立刻 |
sine qua non |
without wh8ich not; an indispensable condition |
必要的条件 |
societas |
partnership; contract of partnership |
合伙;合伙契约 |
societas delinquere non potest |
society cannot commit a crime |
社会不可能犯罪 |
socius criminis |
an associate in crime |
共犯 |
Sol lucet omnibus. |
The sun shines on all; everyone is entitled to enjoy certain natural advantages. |
普天之下,人人都有天赋的权利 |
solatium |
solace; a sum paid to an injured party over and above the actual damages by way of solace to his wounded feelings |
慰藉金;赔偿费 |
solidum |
a whole |
合力负担 |
solutionis causa |
for the purpose of payment |
新债抵旧 |
Specialia derogant generalibus. |
The special takes precedence of the general. |
特别规定较一般规定优先适用 |
species |
a kind; species; things in particular |
特定物 |
specificatio |
a making of form; acquisition of property by working up his materials into a new species |
加工 |
sponte sua |
of one’s own accord; unsolicited |
自别;自发 |
stare ad rectum |
to stand trial or abide by the sentence of the court |
接受审判;受审 |
stare decisis |
to abide by decided cases |
依照先例;判例照援 |
status civitatis |
status of a citizen; citizenship |
市民权 |
status familiae |
the status (or rights) of a household |
家族权 |
status in statu |
state within a state |
国家内的国家;国中之国 |
status libertatis |
status of liberty |
自由权 |
status quo (or status in quo) |
the state in which (anything is) |
现状;原状 |
status quo ante bellum |
the state existing before the war |
战前状态;战前原状 |
stet |
let it stand |
不删;保留原文(核对用语) |
stipulatio |
verbal contract |
言辞契约 |
stipulatio poenae |
stipulation on penalty or fine |
违约金(的规定) |
stricto sensu |
in a strict sense |
狭义而言 |
strictum jus |
strict law; the strict letter of the law |
严格法;法律严格的规定 |
sua cuique utilitas |
to everything its own use |
(凡)物各有其用 |
sua sponte |
of one’s own will (accord) |
自愿;自由 |
suaviter in modo, fortiter in re |
gentle in manner, resolute in deed |
态度温柔,行为果断;外柔内刚 |
sub colore juris |
under color of right |
伪装有权 |
sub dio (divo) |
under the sky; in open air |
露天 |
sub judice |
under (or before)a judge |
在审讯中 |
sub modo |
under a qualification; subject to a condition |
在某一条件或限制下;有条件的 |
sub nomine |
under the name; in the name of |
在。。。名下;以。。。的名义 |
sub poena |
under penalty |
否则按。。。罪惩处;违者以。。。罪论 |
sub rosa |
under the rose; confidentially |
秘密;暗中 |
sub sigillo |
under seal (of confession); in the strictest confidence |
绝对秘密地 |
sub silentio |
in silence; privately |
心中;私下 |
sub spe rati |
in the hope of a decision |
尚待判决(批准) |
sub spe reconciliationes |
in the hope of reconcilement |
尚待调停(和解) |
sub specie |
under the appearance of |
假装 |
sub specie aeternitatis |
from the aspect of eternity |
从永恒的观点上来看 |
sub vi |
under compulsion |
在胁迫之下;被迫 |
sub voce (or sub verbo) |
under the word (in reference to dictionaries, etc.) |
见。。。条 |
Sublata causa, tollitur effectus. |
When the cause is removed, the effect ceases. |
因除则果去;原因消除,后果便不存在 |
subpoena ad testificandum |
under penalty to testify |
证人作证传票 |
subpoena duces tecum |
under penalty, you are to bring with you |
证人带同文件作证传票 |
successio ab intesta |
intestate succession |
未立遗嘱的继承;法定继承 |
successio ex testamento |
succession by virtue of a will |
遗嘱继承 |
successio in usucapionem |
succession in prescription |
时效的继续 |
suggestio falsi |
false suggestion or representation |
伪证;证词不实 |
sui generis |
of its own kind; unique |
自成一格;特殊 |
sui juris |
in one’s own right; of full legal capacity |
自主;自有行为能力 |
summa cum laude |
with the highest praise |
以最优等 |
summa summarum |
the sum of sums; sum total |
总计;合计 |
summum bonum |
the supreme good |
至善 |
Summum jus, summa injuria |
Extreme law is extreme injury |
法之极,害之极;法重害重 |
sumptibus publicis |
at public expense |
由政府负担费用 |
suo moto |
by one’s own motion |
自行 |
suo periculo |
at one’s own risk |
(如有损失)由自己负责 |
super visum corporis
after viewing the body; term used at a coroner’s inquest |
验尸结果 |
superficies |
surface; the alienation by the owner of the surface of the soil of all rights necessary for building on the surface |
地上权 |
suppressio veri, suggestio falsi |
suppressing the truth, suggesting what is false |
隐匿真相,等于诈骗 |
suspensio per collum |
suspension by the neck; execution by hanging |
绞刑 |
suum cuique |
to each his own |
各得其所应得 |
tabula rasa |
an erased (or blank) tablet; clean slate; the mind at birth |
纯洁的心;往事一笔勾销 |
Tacitae magis et occultae inimicitiae timendae sunt quam indictae atque apertae. |
Silent, hidden enmities are more to be feared than those that are openly declared. |
明枪易避;暗箭难防 |
tacito consensu |
by silent consent |
默认;默许 |
taedium vitae |
weariness of living |
厌世 |
tangere ulcus |
to touch the sore spot |
触到某人的痛处;揭人疮疤 |
Te Deum (Laudamus) |
(We praise) Thee, O Lord |
谢恩颂歌;赞美颂歌 |
te judice |
with you as the judge; in your judgment |
据你判断;依你之见 |
Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. |
Times change and we are changed in them. |
时代改变,我们也跟着改变 |
Tempori parendum. |
We must move with the times. |
我们必须跟随时代 |
tempus commissi delicti |
time the offense is committed |
犯罪时间;违法时间 |
tempus continuum |
a continuos period of time |
继续期间 |
tenax propositi |
firm of purpose |
意志坚定 |
ter |
thrice |
三度;之三 |
terminus a quo |
the end (or limit) from which |
出发点;开始日期;始期;起点 |
terminus ad quem |
the end (or limit) to which |
归结点;终止日期;目标;终期;终点 |
terra firma |
solid earth; a firm footing |
陆地;稳固的地位 |
terra incognita |
unknown land |
未知的土地;未知的领域 |
terra nullius |
land without owner |
无主地 |
Terrae potestas finitur ubi finitur armorum vis. |
The territorial limit is where a shot can reach. |
(领海界线的)沿岸炮弹距离说 |
tertium quid |
a third something |
第三者;介乎两者之间的东西;难形容或难区别的人 |
tertius gaudens |
the third one who rejoices |
得渔翁之利的第三者 |
testandibus actis |
as the acts show |
实际行为证明 |
testimonium paupertatis |
indication of (mental) poverty |
低能的征象 |
Testis unus, testis nullus. |
One witness is no witness; testimony of a single person is not valid. |
一面之词不足为凭 |
timeo Danaos et dona ferentes |
I fear the Greeks even when they are bringing gifts. |
希腊人送礼时,我也害怕 |
totidem verbis |
in so many words; in these very words |
正是如此;原文照抄 |
toties quoties |
as often as; on each occasion; repeatedly |
每次 |
totis viribus |
with all one’s strength |
出尽气力;竭力 |
toto caelo |
by the whole heaven; to be poles apart |
天南地北;天渊之别 |
Totum in eo est. |
All depends on this. |
一切以此为转移; 一切视此而定 |
traditio |
delivery; transfer of possession |
交付;引渡 |
Transeat in exemplum. |
Let it be recorded as a precedent. |
记录此事,作为先例 |
Treuga Dei (Treva Dei) |
Truce of God |
(中世纪教会命令暂时)停止私斗;上帝休战 |
tutela legitima |
legal trusteeship or guardianship |
法定监护 |
tutela testamentaria |
trusteeship (or guardianship) appointed by a will |
遗嘱监护 |
uberima fides |
the most abundant good faith; absolute and perfect candor and honesty |
完全坦白;出于至诚 |
Ubi cessat remedium ordinarium, ibi decurritur ad extraordinarium. |
Where the ordinary remedy fails, recourse must be had to an extraordinary one. |
普通办法不能补救者,应采用特别办法 |
Ubi culpa est, ibi poena subesse debet. |
Where the crime is committed, there ought the punishment to be undergone. |
罪犯应在犯罪地点受惩罚 |
Ubi jus incertum, ibi jus nullum. |
Where the law is uncertain, there is no law; uncertainty destroys law. |
法律不明确,等于没有法律;法不确定,虽有若无 |
Ubi jus, ibi officium. |
Where there is a right, there is also a duty. |
有权利即有义务 |
Ubi jus, ibi remedium. |
Where there is a right, there is a remedy. |
有权利就有补偿 |
Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemus. |
Where the law does not distinguish, neither ought we to distinguish. |
法律为明文区别者,不得加以区别 |
Ubi major pars est, ibi totum. |
Where the greater part is, there the whole is; the majorities govern. |
多数即是全体;多数决定 |
Ubi non est condendi auctoritas, ibi non est parendi necessitas. |
Where there is no authority for establishing a rule, there is no necessity of obeying it. |
非法制定的规则,不必遵守 |
Ubi non est directa lex, standum est arbitrio judicis, vel procedendum ad similia. |
Where there is no direct law, the opinion of the judge is to be taken, or reference to be made to similar case. |
凡无直接适用的法律,应以法官的意见为准,或参照类似的案例 |
Ubi non est lex, ibi non est transgressio, quoad mundum.. |
Where there is no law, there is no transgression, so far as relates to the world. |
在世界上,凡无法律规定者,即非犯法 |
Ubi non est principalis, non potest esse accessorius. |
Where there is no principal, there cannot be an accessory |
无主犯即无从犯 |
Ubi quis delinquit, ibi punietur. |
Where a man offends, there he shall be punished. |
罪犯应在犯罪地点受惩罚 |
Ubi remedium, ibi jus. |
Where there is remedy, there is right. |
有补偿就有权利 |
Ubi sunt qui ante no fuerunt? |
Where are those who lived before us? |
古人如今安在 |
Ubicunque est injuria, ibi damnum sequitur. |
Wherever there is wrong, there damage follows. |
有罪必有害 |
ultima ratio |
the last argument; force |
最后手段;武力 |
ultima ratio regum |
last argument of kings; resort to arms; war |
诉诸武力;战争 |
ultima Thule |
the farthest Thule; the utmost frontiers |
天涯海角;最远的疆界 |
ultimum supplicium |
the extreme punishment; the punishment of death |
死刑;极刑 |
ultra licitum |
beyond what is allowed or lawful |
超出合法范围;违法 |
Ultra posse non potest esse, et vice versa. |
What is beyond possibility cannot exist, and the reverse. |
不可能者不存在,反之亦然 |
Ultra possse nemo obligatur. |
No one is bound to do more than he can. |
不得强人所难 |
ultra valorem |
beyond the value |
超过实际价值 |
ultra vires |
beyond one’s authority |
越权;在权限以外 |
una voce |
with one voice; unanimously |
众口同声; 一致 |
universitas juris |
things taken as a whole in law |
法律上的聚合物 |
universitas personarum |
a corporation or body of persons |
社团 |
universitas rerum |
things taken as a whole |
集合物 |
unum et idem |
one and the same |
同样的东西 |
Unumquodque principiorum est sibimetipsi fides; et persipicua vera non sunt probanda. |
Every general principle is its own pledge or warrant; and things that are clearly true are not to be proved. |
一般原则免证自明, 明显事实也不须证明 |
urbi et orbi |
to the city (Rome) and to the world; words accompanying papal bulls |
教宗(对全世界颁布的)训喻 |
usque ad caelum |
up to the sky |
(土地所有权)直达天空 |
usque ad sidera |
up to the stars |
直上云霄 |
usucapio |
prescription |
取得时效 |
usus bellici |
warlike uses or objects |
战争用途;战争用品 |
usus loquendi |
usage in speaking |
习惯的说法 |
ut infra |
as (shown or stated)below |
如下 |
ut mos est |
as the custom is |
依照惯例 |
ut pignus amicitiae |
as a pledge (or token) of friendship |
作为友谊的表示;借以表示友谊 |
Ut poena ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat. |
That the punishment may reach a few, but the fear of it affect all. |
惩一儆百 |
ut quocumque paratus |
prepared for any emergency whatever |
准备妥当,以备万变 |
ut res magis valeat quam pereat |
that the thing may rather have effect than be destroyed; that the clause may become operative than null (a principle of legal interpretation) |
宁使条款有效而不使其失去意义 |
Ut sementem feceris, ita metes. |
As you sow, so shall you reap. |
种瓜得瓜 |
ut supra |
as (shown or stated) above |
如上 |
uti possidetis |
as you (now) possess; a principle in international law that a treaty of peace between belligerents vests in them respectively as absolute property the territory under their actual control, etc. |
实际占领地保有权原则 |
utrum horum mavis accipe |
take whichever you prefer |
任择其一 |
vade mecum |
go with me; a reference book intended to be carried about; a manual |
袖珍书;手册;便览 |
vadium mortuum |
a mortgage |
抵押品 |
variorum notae |
notes of various commentators |
集各家注释;集注 |
vectigal |
revenue; tax |
税; 地税 |
venditio bonorum |
sale of goods |
财产的拍卖 |
venditioni exponas |
you expose to sale (name of a writ) |
低价售卖令 |
Venia necessitati datur. |
Indulgence is granted to necessity; necessity knows no law. |
迫不得已的行为,情有可原 |
Veniae facilitas incentivum est deliquendi. |
Facility of pardon is an incentive to crime. |
轻易赦免罪过,等于鼓励犯罪 |
Venienti occurite morbo. |
Meet the approaching disease; prevention is better than cure |
有病趁早就医;防范于未然 |
Venire (facias juratores) |
(Thou shall cause jurors)to come |
召集陪审团令 |
Verba docent, exempla trahunt. |
Words teach, examples attract. |
言教不如身教 |
verba magistri |
words of the master (or teacher) |
教师的话;权威的话 |
Vere scire est per causas scire. |
Real knowledge lies in knowing causes. |
穷理是真知 |
Veritas numquam perit. |
Truth never dies. |
真理不灭 |
Veritatem dies aperit. |
Time reveals the truth. |
日久见真情 |
Veritatis simplex oratio est. |
The language of truth is simple. |
真话容易说 |
vi dijectio |
a throwing down by force; an act of violence |
强暴行为;暴力行为 |
vi et armis |
with force and arms |
用暴力 |
via publica |
a public road |
公用道路 |
Vicarius non habet vacarium. |
A deputy cannot have a deputy; a delegated power cannot be again delegated. |
代理人不得请他人代理 |
vice versa (v.v.) |
with the order changed; conversely |
反过来;反过来也是一样;反之亦然 |
victus, victori in expensis condemnatus est. |
He who loses the suit pays costs to his adversary |
败诉一方负担他方费用 |
vide |
see |
参看;见 |
vide ante (or supra) |
see above |
见前;见上文 |
vide post (or infra) |
见后;见下文 |
Vigilantibus, et non dormientibus jura subveniunt. |
The laws help those who are watchful and not those who go to sleep. |
法律帮助的是警觉的人;不是疏忽的人 |
vim vi repellere licet, modus fiat moderamine inculpatae tutelae, non ad sumendam vindictum, sed ad propulsandum injuriam. |
It is lawful to repel force by force, provided it be done with the moderation of blameless defense, not for the purpose of taking revenge, but to ward off injury. |
用武力抵抗武力是合法的,但应以纯粹自卫为限度,不为报复,而为防止损害 |
Vincit omnia veritas. |
Truth conquers everything. |
真理战胜一切 |
Violenta non durant |
Violence does not last. |
暴力不能永久存在 |
Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur. |
He is a wise man who speaks but little. |
智者寡言 |
viribus unitis |
with united strength |
共同努力地 |
virtute officii |
by virtue of office |
依据职权;当然 |
vis a fronte |
a propelling force from before; a frontal assault |
前面来的推动力; 迎头痛击 |
vis a tergo |
a propelling force from behind |
后面来的推动力 |
vis animi |
strength of the soul |
勇气;意志力量 |
vis armata |
armed force; force exerted by means of arms or weapons |
武力 |
vis consili expers mole ruit sua. |
force devoid of counsel is crushed by its own weight. |
有勇无谋,自己吃亏 |
vis elastica |
elastic force |
弹力 |
vis inertiae |
the power of inertia; passive resistance to force applied |
惰力;惰性 |
vis legibus est inimica. |
Violence is inimical to the laws. |
暴力违背法律 |
vis major |
a greater or superior force; an irresistible force; force majeure |
不可抗力 |
vis medicatrix naturae |
the healing power of nature |
自然治愈力 |
vis mortua |
dead force |
死势 |
vis motiva |
motive power |
原动力 |
Vis unita fortior. |
United strength is stronger. |
团结增加力量 |
vis vitae (or vitalis) |
vital force |
生活力 |
vis viva |
living force; kinetic energy |
活力;活势; 工作能力 |
vita sine litteris mors est |
life without learning is death |
生而不学等于死 |
vitam impendere vero |
to risk one’s life for the truth |
为求真理,不惜牺牲性命 |
viva voce |
with the living voice; by word of mouth |
口头 |
vix ulla lex fieri potest quae omnibus commoda sit, sed si majori parti prospiciat, utilis est |
scarcely any law can be made which is adapted to all, but, if it provide for the greater part, it is useful |
法律不能适用一切情况,如能适用大多数情况即是有用 |
vocare ad curiam |
to summon to court |
法院传讯 |
vocatio in jus |
a summoning to court |
法院传讯 |
volens nolens |
willing or not willing; willy-nilly |
不管愿不愿意 |
volenti non fit injuria |
he who consents cannot receive an injury |
同意即不构成侵害;出于自愿的事, 不算侵害 |
volo, no valeo |
I am willing but unable |
我心有余而力不足 |
voluntas et propositum distinguunt maleficia |
The will and the proposed end distinguish crimes. |
有意图, 有预谋的目的,就是犯罪 |
voluntas habetur pro facto |
The will is taken for the deed. |
意图即是行为 |
voluntas in delictis, non exitus spectatur |
In crimes, the will, and not the consequence, is looked to. |
犯罪行为,应追究其意图,不追究其结果 |
voluntas reputatur pro facto |
the intention is to be taken for the deed |
意图即是行为 |
Vox audita perit, litera scripta manet (or Vox emissa volat, litera scripta manet). |
The voice that is heard perishes, the letter that is written abides (The spoken word flies, the written letter remains). |
口说无凭,立约为据 |
vox populi, vox Dei |
the voice of the people is the voice of God |
民意即是天意 |
Vultus est index animi. |
The face is the mirror of the soul. |
人面反映内心 |